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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Justin Bieber Found To Be Cleverly Disguised 51 years old Pedophile

There was news being spread all over the internet by the Onion News Network (Onn) that Justin Bieber is actually a 51 year old grandfather. He started this career by entering a singing contest on youtube acting as a 16 year old teenage boy. He wore a mask and wig as a disguise and used the lyrics of his songs to manipulate the minds of young girls under the age of 16. It was reported that the 51 year old pedophilia, whose real name is Michael Cote, was arrested because it was proven that he was guilty of disguising as Justin Bieber. There were many people who did not believe this news as all the official news sources had not reported this incident. Then finally it came out that this news was a hoax because ONN is a parody website that only broadcasts made-up news that is meant to be a joke for the viewers. The news from the website had traveled to other social networking websites such as Twitter and Facebook which made everyone believe that it was true. Many Bieber fans were unhappy with the unpleasant way that ONN portrayed Justin Bieber.

Online Reference:

Justin Bieber Found To Be Cleverly Disguised 51 years old Pedophile, Uniqpost, Retrieved 1th February 2011
URL: http://uniqpost.com/7012/ini-dia-berita-justin-bieber-seorang-pedofilia-berusia-51-tahun-yang-sebenarnya/
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