Last week i was teaching how to make an Internet Parody Picture.So this week i will teach the user to make an video.Many people like to watch video. That include kids, youngster,young adult,adult and even the old man also like to see "spoof video". Some time we even see a old man/old woman make an parody to let people smile. It mean that everyone also like to see the funny video clips.There are many kind of video.Example like they copy some movie idea but do an epic action on their own movie. As an developer of Internet Parody.We can imitate some famous people talking,Look at the video camera and open a song and make funny action.By now,i want to show the video that i make for Internet Parody.
Below are the example that I use some move simila to movie style.
As my video.I was make it as 2011 movie that name "The Green Hornet".But i was change the name to "The Green PunkMan".In this video a guy wear same cloth as the Green Hornet but video style like 凌凌漆 Intro.
Online Reference
"Intro - 凌凌漆大戰金鎗客",JamesBondXD,retrieved 2006 may 20.
"The Green PunkMan",HarryLBR,retrieved 2011 february 13