As a creator of Internet Parody. I now want to tell people how to make an Internet Parody. This week i will telling the Internet Parody for Picture. First we need to check what the news,movie or game for this few week. Internet parody is a free topic, you can choose whatever thing you like, and then make it as parody. After we know which is the famous movie. We now can choose the title for the Parody.
Below is the picture i want to show for the Parody.
This is the original version of the poster of "The Green Hornet".

Below version are edited version

This is the version that i make it as the Parody.It call"The Green PunkMan".The picture different with original version are the Title, actor and all of the name are create by HarryBR.
online reference
The Green Hornet,InternetMoviePoster awards,Picture by The Cimarron Group,Retrieve 2011.