The percentage for this pie chart
1st Student - 50%
2nd Working adult -25%
3rd Kids - 12.5%
4th Old man - 12.5%
total vote:8
This pie chart show the result of week5 title as "What Kind Of The User You Are".It mean that what kind of the internet user who like to see the Internet Pardoy blog.Actualy this poll will end at friday,but now we already can see got 8 user already vote for the poll.They was students,working adult,kids and Old man.Student are the most view for this blog,second are working adult.For the kids and old man thay are same vote.
After reading the result of this poll,we can know that student are the most internet user who like to see this kind of blog. I think this is because student are very free to read the blog and may want to know more about the news of the Internet Parody. When they are free, they just come and read this blog and have a big smile.
For the working adult,most of them always sit at office and do their work. But sometime when they are free and nothing to work, they will start to find some funny clip to have fun. This may cause working adult are only get 25% in the chart becasue they need to work.Working adult will get more stress when working,so that they will come and read this blog and relax.
For Kids and old man. Nowaday many kid may have a mobile phone that allow them to online.So that they are growing fast then last time(like people who born between 1980 years) children. Kid are free, so that they will go and search the funny clip to see. For old man,we also cannot say they are outdate now.Nowaday many of the Old man or old woman also make an parody video to let people smile. I think the result they will read this blog is because they may want to know the latest internet parody.I hope by this friday i can get more vote for this poll so that i will know which kind of the user are the most like to view Internet Parody.